Our story begins at the turn of the 20th century, when Dumitru Dănescu became one of the first lawyers to be admitted to the bar association in the Romanian county of Buzau.
The practice of law has been continued by all the following five generations in our family and, as the times have changed and brought new challenges, our practice has evolved to meet them.
What has not changed is what we have always believed in: that the relationship that forms between client and lawyer is special, that it is never “just business” and that you cannot represent a client without believing in their case.
This relationship involves trust and an understanding of the client’s business, situation, and goals, so that advice may be given openly and sincerely.
Our team provides our clients with high quality legal representation that combines wisdom and experience with youthful energy and innovation in varied areas of expertise.
For us, practicing law is a matter of passion, because the effort required by this profession cannot be achieved without it.
For our clients, our practice is the means to fulfilling their objectives.